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In order to access the Allegro API it is necessary to create an instance of the Allegro Client class. This is created using a builder, to which the various parameters are passed with fluent setter methods like this:

allegroApi_ = new AllegroApi.Builder()
  .withConfiguration(new AllegroConfiguration.Builder()
    .withApiConnectionSettings(new ConnectionSettings.Builder()

With effect from release 0.3.2 support has been added for Client Certificate Authentication and outbound web proxies. This led to a significant increase in the number of configuration options which in turn led to a redesign of the way in which this configuration is passed.

The bulk of the configuration options are now passed as a Canon AllegroConfiguration object (or for the multi tenant version of the API an AllegroMultiTenantConfiguration object). It is still possible to specify all options in a single fluent statement as in the example above, but the configuration object can also be passed as a JSON String, as in the example below, or as a file containing a JSON object by calling the .withConfigurationFile(fileName) method.

allegroApi_ = new AllegroApi.Builder()
  .withConfiguration("{\n" + 
      "  \"_type\":\"com.symphony.s2.model.allegro.AllegroConfiguration\",\n" + 
      "  \"_version\":\"1.0\",\n" + 
      "  \"apiConnectionSettings\":{\n" + 
      "    \"_type\":\"com.symphony.s2.model.allegro.ConnectionSettings\",\n" + 
      "    \"_version\":\"1.0\",\n" + 
      "    \"maxHttpConnections\":200,\n" + 
      "    \"sslTrustStrategy\":\"TRUST_ALL_CERTS\"\n" + 
      "  },\n" + 
      "  \"apiUrl\":\"\",\n" + 
      "  \"authCertFile\":\"/Users/bruce/credentials/allegroCerts/certs/allegroBot.p12\",\n" + 
      "  \"authCertFilePassword\":\"changeit\",\n" + 
      "  \"keyAuthUrl\":\"\",\n" + 
      "  \"podUrl\":\"\",\n" + 
      "  \"sessionAuthUrl\":\"\"\n" + 

Options which are tightly bound to the application code, such as model factories and trace context factories are still set directly on the builder and are not included in the configuration object. The intention is that this allows all configuration options which need to be obtained at run time to be passed as a single file or JSON object.

Many existing fluent setters on AllegroApi.Builder are now deprecated, and operate by constructing a configuration object under the covers. The deprecated methods will continue to function for the time being, but cannot be mixed with the new .withConfiguration(configuration) methods, if both are called an exception will be thrown.

AllegroApi now has a .getConfiguration() method which can be used to obtain the JSON configuration which was, or could be used to provide the current working configuration. This can be used as in the example above to obtain the JSON equivalent for a working configuration and can be used with existing code which calls now deprecated methods on the AllegroApi.Builder.

API callers are encouraged to migrate to the new format asap.

Proxy Configuration

If the same proxy server should be used for all communications (to the pod, key manager, object store, and if certificate authentication is in use the pod cert auth endpoint and key manager cert auth endpoint) then this can be configured in a single call to withDefaultConnectionSettings(), like this:

    allegroApi_ = new AllegroApi.Builder()
      .withConfiguration(new AllegroConfiguration.Builder()
          .withDefaultConnectionSettings(new ConnectionSettings.Builder()

On the other hand if different proxy configurations are needed for the key manager (which is usually “on-prem”) and the pod/object store, then this can be configured for each access URL like this:

    allegroApi_ = new AllegroApi.Builder()
        .withConfiguration(new AllegroConfiguration.Builder()
            .withPodConnectionSettings(new ConnectionSettings.Builder()
            .withKeyManagerConnectionSettings(new ConnectionSettings.Builder()
            .withCertSessionAuthConnectionSettings(new ConnectionSettings.Builder()
            .withCertKeyAuthConnectionSettings(new ConnectionSettings.Builder()
            .withApiConnectionSettings(new ConnectionSettings.Builder()

Note that for each URL provided, plus the key manager (whose URL is obtained from the pod) there is a separate connection properties.

Security Considerations

The configuration allows for the provision of RSA or client certificate credentials in a separate file, or in-line in the configuration object itself. Obviously, these credentials are sensitive and must be stored in files with the most restrictive access permissions possible.

Required Configuration Parameters

The following required parameters must be provided in the configuration:


The URL of your Symphony pod, either as a String or a URL object. Allegro authenticates to the pod to obtain a session token and makes various calls to APIs provided by the pod.

The URL of a pod is typically where companyname is your company’s name.

RSA Authentication - File Configuration: Required Configuration Parameters

The following required parameters must be provided in the configuration when RSA authentication with a separate file configuration is used:


The name of the service account which you will use, as a String.

You (or your Symphony administrator) choose the name of your service account when you create it through the Admin Console.


The name of a file containing the private RSA key to authenticate as that service account.

The file you pass to must contain the private half of the RSA key pair, and should contain Base64 encoded binary enclosed within -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- and -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

For a description about how to create an RSA authentication credential, see

RSA Authentication - Inline Configuration: Required Configuration Parameters

The following required parameters must be provided in the configuration when RSA authentication with in-line configuration is used:


The name of the service account which you will use, as a String.

You (or your Symphony administrator) choose the name of your service account when you create it through the Admin Console.


A PemPrivateKey object containing the private RSA key to authenticate as that service account, as a PEM encoded String.

Client Certificate Authentication - File Configuration: Required Configuration Parameters

The following required parameters must be provided in the configuration when client certificate authentication with a separate file is used:


The name of a PKCS#12 (.p12) file containing the client certificate and matching private key to authenticate with.


The password required to access the authCertFile.


The URL for the pod session authentication URL for your pod. Typically for a pod with the URL this will be one of, or


The URL for the key manager session authentication URL for your pod.

Client Certificate Authentication - Inline Configuration: Required Configuration Parameters

The following required parameters must be provided in the configuration when client certificate authentication with in-line configuration is used:


The PEM encoded client certificate to authenticate with. This must be a string containing the Base64 encoded binary enclosed within -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and -----END CERTIFICATE-----


The PEM encoded private key matching the given client certificate. This must be a string containing the Base64 encoded binary enclosed within -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- and -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----


The URL for the pod session authentication URL for your pod. Typically for a pod with the URL this will be one of, or


The URL for the key manager session authentication URL for your pod.

Optional Parameters

The following optional parameters may also be provided:

ApiUrl (formerly ObjectStoreUrl)

The URL of the object store and other multi-tenant service endpoints you will connect to, either as a String or a URL object.

For production pods, you do not need to specify the API URL (which is actually, for pods in non-production environments you need to specify the appropriate URL (,, etc).


The name of the Cipher Suite to use. The default is the only valid value at this time, this parameter is reserved for future use, so it should currently not be set by callers.


A ConnectionSettings object (see below) which configures how HTTP connections are made to all endpoints.


A ConnectionSettings object (which configures how HTTP connections are made to API endpoints.


A ConnectionSettings object (which configures how HTTP connections are made to Pod endpoints.


A ConnectionSettings object (which configures how HTTP connections are made to Key Manager endpoints.


A ConnectionSettings object (which configures how HTTP connections are made to the client certificate authentication pod endpoint.


A ConnectionSettings object (which configures how HTTP connections are made to the client certificate authentication key manager endpoint.


A ConnectionSettings object can contain the following attributes:


May be used to relax server SSL certificate validation with one of the following values. FOR DEVELOPMENT USE ONLY.


May be used to suppress server SSL certificate validation. FOR DEVELOPMENT USE ONLY.


May be used to suppress rejection of self signed server SSL certificates. FOR DEVELOPMENT USE ONLY.


One or more Strings containing the names of Java resources which contain PEM encoded certificates to be used as trust anchors. This is a slightly less dangerous alternative to withTrustAllSslCerts. FOR DEVELOPMENT USE ONLY.


One or more Strings containing the PEM encoded certificates to be used as trust anchors. This is a slightly less dangerous alternative to withTrustAllSslCerts. FOR DEVELOPMENT USE ONLY.


Set a limit on the number of concurrent HTTP connections allowed for each HTTP configuration. The default is 200. The limit is shared among all the interfaces sharing the same ConnectionSettings.


A URL specifying the HTTP proxy which is to be used for connections. The proxy URL should normally be specified with the http protocol, since for SSL tunnelled connections the client normally connects to the proxy using HTTP and then upgrades to SSL. This is typically a value like*.

Optional Builder Parameters

The following optional parameters may also be provided directly on the builder:


One or more Canon factories to be used to deserialise received objects. This can be used where the application domain objects are defined by Canon schemas to allow the API to do type sensitive routing for consumers and the like.


A trace context factory which will be used to create trace contexts for red dye trace logging.